Meet the Team

Together with the Rupia Adventure team, you will see Tanzania through the eyes of locals who have traveled to every corner of this land, who are passionate about wildlife and fascinated by the mountains, who fall in love with the beauty of Tanzania again and again.

From our sales and marketing office in East Africa to our operations office in Arusha, Tanzania, we work hand in hand to make your Tanzania travel dreams come true.

We welcome you to experience what we love, because we know you will love it just as much.


Meet our core group of staff members: 


Matt RupiaCEO

From the age of 17, Matt had a passion for tourism in Tanzania. He attended a tourism college in Arusha and worked on Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt Meru and Mt Kenya for various tour companies for 3 years as a porter to a guide. After gaining ample experience as a mountain guide, Matt decided to create his own tour company that focused on customer and staff satisfaction. Over the years, Matt has watched his company grow and gain the attention of many travelers.



Mariana Kessy – Reservationist

Mariana has worked in the tourism industry for many years and enjoys the team spirit at Rupia Adventure. The genuine approach of working together and supporting each other to make our guests’ trip a dream come true appeal to her. Around the office she is appreciated for her positive outlook on life. As part of the reservations team, Mariana is in charge of booking lodges and camps for our group safaris. A multitalented self-starter she makes sure every special request, every special need is communicated before your arrival. Born in Arusha at Mount Meru, she completed her studies and started her career in Arusha making it her second home.


Mirage Rajab – Safari Guide

Growing up close to the Lake Manyara National Park Mirage spent his childhood weekends on game drives in the Crater, parks and camping with his parents and siblings. After graduating from the renowned College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, in Moshi, he joined our team in August 2017. Father of a 3 children, he plans on taking him on safaris once he’s a little older. At Rupia Adventure, Mirage enjoys going on safari with families, being amazed by the children’s genuine curiosity and intelligent questions about nature and wildlife. Believing in lifelong-learning, he keeps up to date with conservation developments, researching in books, online or talking shop with rangers in the national parks.


Subira Ibrahim – Female Safari Guide 

Together with her family Subira lives only a few kilometers from Arusha National Park, sharing her neighborhood with the occasional buffalo, antelope and many different types of birds. Growing up in a village close to Lake Victoria, she has always loved spending time in nature. That’s why she completed her wildlife studies in Arusha and embarked on the adventure that is safari guiding 3 years ago. In 2019, joined our team at Rupia Adventure. Subira she enjoys going on safari with families, always ready to answer inquisitive and curious questions of the young safari goers. Protecting nature and wildlife is a matter close to her heart as she wishes for her children and the generations to come to be able to experience magical moments in nature


Erasto Martin – Safari Guide

Erasto has been part of the Rupia Adventure team since 2019 and is valued by colleagues and guests for his many years of experience and kind character. He fell in love with the idea of being a safari guide on a school trip to Lake Manyara many years ago. Starting off as a mechanic, he soon added safari guiding to his skills set and embarked on his dream career. Erasto shares a fascination and love for big cats with many of his guests, always scouting for lions when on safari. Hiking in the Usambara Mountains is another of his favorite activities while out and about with his guests. A family man and nature lover that he is, he makes sure his two children grow up appreciating Tanzania’s wildlife and natural heritage



Gideon Nkya – Mountain Guide 

Gideon is a proud ambassador of Kilimanjaro and his home country Tanzania. On the long hikes climbing Kili, he will happily share his expert knowledge and entertaining anecdotes to lighten your stride. Starting out as porter, Gideon knew right away he wanted to climb the career ladder and become a guide. He went to study at the Mweka African Wildlife College in Moshi and joined Rupia Adventure as a porter in 2019 and a guide in 2022. He remembers how strenuous and challenging he experienced his first climb up Kili many years ago. Today, he is an excellent mountaineer, but hasn’t forgotten the challenges a mountain-novice may encounter. You can expect empathy and encouragement from a man who knows what it feels like to conquer the highest mountain in Africa.


Laurent Rafael – Mountain Guide

Guiding travelers from around the world to Uhuru Peak since the year 2015, Laurent has invaluable mountaineering experience. He has been part of the Rupia Adventure team since 2023. Looking back, he still remembers his first cold summit night and his exhaustion looking at the distant stars sparkling in the night sky. When the warm sun began to raise, Laurent regained his strength and made it to the top. He is very experienced in assessing when it is time to encourage you to keep going and when it is necessary to call off a climb and get you downhill to safety. As Head Guide, he is aware of the responsibility he has not only for you, but for every assistant guide, porter and waiter on his team. At home, he enjoys spending time with his family and playing football . Laurent has climbed Mt Kilimanjaro more than 200 times.


Joseph MushiSafari Guide

Joseph studied tourism and statistics and worked as a statistician and hotel and marketing manager before joining Rupia Adventure in 2019. Joseph became a safari guide because he loves nature. He also enjoys interacting with his guests. He loves to share life experiences and to learn from people. Moreover, he likes that on safari, he is his “own boss”. He appreciates the freedom his job gives him. What makes Joseph a good safari guide is that he often knows what his guests need before they even tell him. His area of expertise is wildlife, and he knows a lot about birds. His favorite part of Tanzania are the northern national parks because of their extremely varied landscapes and their fascinating history. Why people should travel to Tanzania? “We do really have animals here – it’s not a joke”.


Emanuel MremaMountain Guide

Being a Mountain Guide on Kilimanjaro is a dream come true for Emanuel. Since he was a young boy, he has always wanted to guide travelers to the Roof of Africa. Taking a detour, he studied to be a firefighter after school, before training to be a qualified mountain guide. His dream of standing on to Uhuru Peak became reality on the last day of the year 208, when he welcomed the new millennium alongside many other climbers on the top of Africa’s highest mountain. He has been a guide since 2012 and part of our team since 2017. As former firefighter Emanuel is a very responsible and safety conscious mountain guide. His advice when tackling the mountain is to take it one day at a time and pacing yourself even when you still have the energy to go fast.


Maziku Kulwa – Mountain Guide 

Maziku is a proud ambassador of Kilimanjaro and his home country Tanzania. On the long hikes climbing Kili, he will happily share his expert knowledge and entertaining anecdotes to lighten your stride. Starting out as porter, Maziku knew right away he wanted to climb the career ladder and become a guide. He went to study at the Mweka African Wildlife College in Moshi and joined Rupia Adventure as a porter in 2017 and  a guide in 2020. He remembers how strenuous and challenging he experienced his first climb up Kili many years ago. Today, he is an excellent mountaineer, but hasn’t forgotten the challenges a mountain-novice may encounter. You can expect empathy and encouragement from a man who knows what it feels like to conquer the highest mountain in Africa.